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Summer Heat
posted on
7/23/2014 8:20:52 AM
Most of us know tires are one of the most important safety features of any vehicle and want to keep our tires in the best condition possible. However, what you do not know about tire wear and tire pressure could be damaging them the most. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Association, nearly 200 driving casualties per year occur at the hands of unmaintained tires. Right now it is estimated that 1 in 4 cars on the road are driving with underinflated tires. While summer is the se...
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Is it Time for New Tires?
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6/27/2014 9:31:31 AM
Your tires are the only part of your vehicle that come into physical contact with the road, making proper tire maintenance a crucial element of driver safety. With the ability to stop, start, and transport us wherever we wish to go, having well maintained tires can mean the difference between a pleasant Sunday drive and a Sunday spent in the shop. There are three crucial components to consider when deciding if it is time to replace your tires: your normal driving conditions, tread wear, and the...
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Keep Your Cool This Summer
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6/17/2014 6:56:38 AM
Before the blazing sun of summer leaves you sweating and feverishly rolling down the windows, consult a mechanic to inspect your air conditioning system for leaks, cracks or other malfunctions. There is no greater summertime discomfort than peeling yourself out of a scorching vehicle. Beat the heat with air conditioning repair. Like most auto repair an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of good. Never allow a tiny problem turn into a disaster; as a minor air conditioning repair is often relat...
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Preparing for Summer Holiday Travel
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5/7/2014 8:02:24 AM
Before you hit the road this summer let us assist you in making yourself aware of a few important inspections and checks you can make to prepare yourself for those long, hot road trips. With a quick pre-trip vehicle check-up it is easy to determine how road-ready a vehicle is before experiencing problems on vacation or during travels. Conducting a vehicle inspection before leaving will help to avoid troublesome repairs and prevent potential safety hazards that result from a break down far from ...
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Oil Changes for Mother’s Day
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5/7/2014 7:50:05 AM
When you were growing up, your Mother gave you the world! So, what better way to show her how much you care about her than the gift of vehicle maintenance. Skip the cheesy cards and give the Mother in your life a gift that is not only practical, but one she can enjoy for 3,000–5,000 miles. Transform that forgettable bouquet of flowers into a memorable oil change with sentimental value that truly shows how much you care about her safety and the longevity of her vehicle. This is a thoughtful gi...
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Simple Vehicle Maintenance to Improve Fuel Economy
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4/22/2014 9:49:04 AM
With fluctuating fuel prices soaring higher each day, we will do almost anything to save money on transportation especially when it comes to conserving fuel. However, traditional tips such as turning off the air conditioning and driving slowly are not the only ways to conserve gas mileage. In fact there are many simple, painless steps any vehicle owner can take to ensure their car is operating as efficiently as possible with minimal effort. Taking these steps to conserve gas mileage will not ...
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April: National Car Care Month
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4/21/2014 2:39:06 PM
April is National Car Care Month and there is no better time to break free from the chains of winter to start your journey to a dependable, road ready vehicle. Routine maintenance can seem overwhelming and with a never ending cycle of checks and replacements, sometimes it is hard to remember where one project ends and the next one begins. Knowledge is power and whether you are a mechanic or soccer mom every vehicle owner should have at least passing knowledge about their vehicle. Allowing you...
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Spring is the Season for Change
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3/4/2014 12:38:56 PM
As the weather changes and the world is energized to get out and do something, you can start with a simple change: changing the fluids in your vehicle. It’s fast. It’s easy. It’s not expensive, and it is the single most important thing you can do to maintain your car or truck. A quick run down of the fluids in your vehicle are Oil, Coolant, Transmission Fluid, Brake Fluid, Power Steering, and Washer Fluid. To maintain your vehicle’s proper functions, you want to make sure you are chan...
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How Do Potholes Damage Your Vehicle?
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3/4/2014 12:25:57 PM
It’s peak pothole season out there and no one is immune to their sneaky destruction. We’ve all hit them at some point, and every time it happens, you see it only a second before it gets you, often too late to miss it. These little road hazards lay in wait, with their dips, bumps, and sharp toothy edges, just waiting to ruin your day. They can cause a sudden jolt all the way up to a blown tire. And, I hate to report, they aren’t disappearing any time soon. Potholes are every tire’s sworn en...
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Do You Have Good Brakes?
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2/11/2014 8:43:18 AM
There are some things on your vehicle that you should have confidence in and never worry about. Is everyone buckled up? Do I have a full tank of gas? Your vehicle should make you feel safe and secure, and keep you and your loved ones safe throughout your travel. It goes then, without much, saying that you also need to be confident in your brakes. This function is the one thing keeping you out of harm’s way in the event of an accident or road hazard. Think about it, you do not want to find out ...
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330 State Route 36,
Port Monmouth, NJ 07758
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Crown Tire
400 NJ-35,
Red Bank, NJ 07701
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